Did you watch Davina McCall’s programme on the MENOPAUSE on Channel 4?
After posting in my various Facebook groups last week on ‘MENOPAUSE MATTERS’ I had so many comments and conversations around this particular topic.
HOORAY, we are finally moving away from this as a ‘taboo’ subject!!
The ‘Menopausal Muffin top’ – we all know that despite all our best efforts….watching our nutrition, training hard it happens!
We all know that exercise is incredibly beneficial for all manner of reasons but are you training in the right type of exercise?
During our 40’s our sex hormones are on the decline, gradually at first and then reach a very low level in menopause. Working out regularly in the right way is critical for balancing our hormones and helping reduce the stress hormone cortisol. So what should we be doing
- To increase muscle mass & boost metabolism
- For maintaining bone density as oestrogen declines
- For health, self esteem, confidence and wellbeing
- Short bursts of intense exercise with a period of rest
- Boots metabolism, reverses cortisol levels
- Gives a great mental focus
- Improves insulin sensitivity – important in weight loss
- Hugely beneficial as a proven stress reducer
- Brilliant for enhanced mood and wellbeing
- Amazing for balance, flexibility, pelvic floor health, core strength, total strength
Long repetitive workouts which are cardio based – this places stress on an already stressed body.
Alongside positive lifestyle changes you can really help yourself ‘BECOME A HEALTHIER, HAPPIER, FITTER, STRONGER MORE POSITIVE VERSION OF YOU’!
If you would like any m ore information about health, fitness and wellbeing please have a look at my Health Fitness & Wellbeing Page