Trigger Point Pilates is a combination of Pilates based exercises combined with Myofascia Release (which is traditionally a hands-on therapy). This means you will be strengthening your core and releasing muscle tightness in the same session.

PAY AS YOU GO – £8 per household

Monday’s 8.00pm (60 mins)



Friday’s 6.00pm (60 mins)


The Benefits of Trigger Point Pilates
  • Strengthening your core and releasing muscle tightness

  • Discover how to apply the principles of Self – Myofascia Release (SMR)

  • Improved proprioceptive awareness – feel immediate release of tight muscles

  • Soft tissue release

  • Helps alleviate chronic pain conditions and constant muscular tightness

  • A great warm up and cool down class for high intensity training

  • You may feel as though you’ve just had a session with an osteopath!

Waiver & Liability

As with all exercise programs, when using my exercise video’s or attending one of my online classes, you need to use common sense. If you have any medical conditions or existing health issues you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercise, you are performing them at your own risk.

Ali’s Freestyle Fitness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of my fitness program, online fitness sessions, video’s or information I share with you. This includes emails, video’s and texts. Thanks for your understanding.